Exercise TV Review: Jillian Michaels

Yes, Jillian Michaels has her own category on Exercise TV. And well she should; she is a good motivator and an excellent teacher. In her 30-Day Shred videos, she’s got the same two women working out behind her: one does the modified moves, and the other one does each move to the max. The workout is only 20 minutes, but as she says, “If you’re only working out for 20 minutes, I want you moving that entire time.” And she maximizes those 20 minutes through strength and cardio intervals which kick my butt even though they’re only a few minutes each. At the end of each workout, though, I feel energized (and sweaty) and sore (and sweaty), and I feel great about myself.

The 30-Day Shred Level 3 is not up on Comcast On Demand right now (which is fine, because I’m not ready to progress to level 3 yet anyway). On Demand is funny, because it’s almost random the things you find in there from day to day…but while I’m waiting for Level 3 to appear, I want to try Jillian Michaels’ Boost Metabolism and No More Trouble Zones that are in the category.

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