The Crossing: Month of Moderns II

I know I was going to write about my learning process. Trouble is, I’ve been too busy learning to write about it!

I’m really excited about the concert I’ll be peforming in today, though. The Crossing is in the middle of its second annual Month of Moderns (a festival of new music), and we’re doing some really wonderful stuff. I’m especially excited about the piece by Lansing McLoskey that we commissioned for our “Levine Project” (works inspired by the poetry of Philip Levine). His piece is called The Memory of Rain, and I feel like it really captures Levine’s juxtaposition of industry and nature quite brilliantly.

Here is a podcast of our conductor, Donald Nally, discussing Levine’s poetry with composers Lansing McLoskey and Paul Fowler (we will be premiering his commissioned piece for the Levine Project next week).