Sunday, November 05, 2006


Yesterday I did my first caroling gig of the season, all bedecked in my Victorian finery. We were hired by an Acme store (for those of you not on the East Coast, that's a big supermarket chain) for a grand reopening of their store.

I have to say, this gig definitely goes into the category of bizarre. Here we were, strolling through the produce section in costume, singing Christmas carols on Nov. 4. Not only were we competing with the muzak being piped through the store and the "clean up on aisle six" pages over the loudspeaker, but we had added competition of people dressed as pilgrims, hired to wander through the store and hand out what I can only guess was leftover Halloween candy.

Talk about sending a confusing holiday message.

I would say this was a pretty low pressure job, but we had also apparently been advertised in the paper, apparently, and a couple people came to the store specifically to hear us sing. Our two fans hung out by the canteloupes for a while until we strolled back to the floral department, and then they did some shopping while they were there. Hey, I don't blame them. If I hadn't been on the clock, I would have done some shopping too.

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