Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Big Losers

Surprise, surprise, we didn't win the wedding contest to Hawaii. Thanks for voting, though. The couple that did win really did outdo my little blurb as far as content goes, but I thought the word count was 200 words or less, and their word count was 438! I re-read the rules, and apparently the word count was supposed to be 500 or less. Bummer.

Based on their story (country-crossed lovers who keep their relationship alive through email and IM, and who need the money so they can focus less on an expensive wedding and more on building their relationship, since it doesn't seem to work out very well when they live together) the pure romance of the story might make me believe that they deserve to win a little more than Ray and me. But we've got a MUCH more stable relationship than they do, so therefore have more of a chance of staying married...

Or is that just me being bitter? Nah. I wish them nothing but the best (and hope they spend a lot of their prize money on really cheap leis and dry cake).

Now that I know about the contest, though, our original plan stands. My mom has been our de facto wedding planner in Hawaii, and she's been doing a lot of the footwork, which is nice, because I know she's not out to make a buck, like a lot of those people. We're still visiting her in June, and we'll scope out places then. In the meantime, I've got my dress, I've already booked the NJ reception site, and I'm ahead of schedule! Woo-hoo!


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